
Axetreme Grudge Matches are coming to a Valhalla near you! League members from different organizations with similar stats are going to be going head to head in an intense axe throwing tournament involving matches, skills, big axe and more and we will live stream it to our you tube channel. If you are interested in playing in a grudge match, visit our website and click on the LEAGUES  tab at the top, scroll down in the drop menu until you see Axtreme Grudge Match. Fill out the form and apply. We are going to host them and talk to other venues about hosting them and we will help with the marketing! SPREAD THE WORD! ⚒🏆⚒🏆⚒🏆⚒🏆⚒🏆⚒🏆⚒🏆⚒🏆⚒🏆

Alicia Jenkins